Welcome to the thirty sixth episode of Murder of Crows, a Khador Podcast. This episode we alit of a hilarious episode! First it’s a late Christmas episode, Richard didn’t have internet and went to a hotel to use their wifi and the recording had some problems BUT WE POWERED THROUGH!
SO with that being said on this episode we have Rob and Rich joining me on an OVERVIEW EPISODE. We look back on the year and talk about Khador and upcoming releases. We talk about the new ADR and the possibilities of madness and then we finish with answering your Comrade questions.
Murder of Crows, A Khador Podcast is a Khador centric podcast. We will be talking about a lot of different topics, from beginner topics to more advanced ones. This way we aim to have a nice spread of information and entertainment for all sons and daughters of the Motherland. We will release a new episode when we feel comfortable and also when we have time.
The Hosts
Lee McAlpin
I am the producer behind Bleeped up Productions on Youtube, a channel dedicated to bringing you all sorts of gaming content. Not just miniatures games, but also video and board games. I mostly plays Warmachine casually but sometimes dabble in competitive play. The Warmachine videos I make range from your standard battle reports, to wacky scenarios and event coverage. Find more of my content here: Bleeped up Productions
Richard Beech
I’m a competitive (well trying!) warmachine and hordes player based in the North West of the UK. I love the WMH community and you can find me at most major conventions/tournaments and local steam rollers. I’m always open for discussing the game, lists, strategy so give me a shout or find me on the Murder of Crows podcast, or at the Team Inverted blog.
Robert Mccormick
Started Warmachine with Khador in 2014 and have loved it ever since. I’ve been attending big tournaments since ETC 2015, and been doing reasonably well so far. Best in Khador at my last few big ones (UK Nationals 2016, Blood and Oil 2016, Welsh Masters 2017) and hoping to do even better. You can usually find me on a Thursday night down at the Gaming Club I help run, Powerfist Gaming, in Stafford and you can follow me on my blog:
You can get in touch with us through the many social media platforms:
Facebook: Facebook.com/MoCPodcast
Twitter: @MoCPodcast
Email: murderofcrowspodcast@gmail.com